☥ You have the choice ☥ the power to change your life ☥
☥ You have the wisdom ☥ ability to achieve ☥ maintain Radiant Health ☥
☥ There is no "bad" part of you; only parts of you yearning for love ☥ acceptance ☥ transmutation ☥
I have wrestled with how to connect with all that is US in an authentic and meaningful way that does not offend anyone. When faced with such challenges, I allow SPIRIT ☥ TRUTH (what we consider to be God ☥ our higher power) to make the final decision.
It is uncomfortable to say out loud that colonizers could not destroy Indigenous People, so they hid them inside this term that we call “Brown.” Using the term “Brown” renders Indigenous People invisible. Invisibility is what this website endeavors to reverse. It is not my place to label anyone - in fact my life’s work encourages us to drop these titles over time. However, I feel compelled by SPIRIT to specifically name and honor Indigenous People so that we can Heal ☥ Nourish ☥ Rise ☥ Master ☥ Our ☥ Lives. For many reasons, I have decided to officially drop the term “Brown” and will now refer to US as Black ☥ Indigenous ☥ Immigrant People (BIIP).
☥ Dr. Phyllis SHU Hubbard ☯
Dr. Hubbard's Three Truisms

Why We Say Àṣẹ
Àṣẹ (pronounced ah-shay) is a word that comes from the Yoruba language. It means the power to manifest an idea or dream into reality. Life is full of unexpected events that disrupt our comfort zones and can often knock us to the ground. How we choose to respond will determine whether or not we are willing to go on the Journey To Radiance. This page offers voices from the community who discovered phyllishubbard.com as a thought partner to help guide their self-care endeavors. We say àṣẹ because we know that we have the power to make it happen ... whatever "it" may be. Àṣẹ!

Practice Meditation While Experiencing Shared Stories On The Journey To Radiance
The images below were created to help you practice focusing your attention. Read the shared stories, then practice switching focus between the foreground image and the subtle background image. What additional meanings are you able to discern that can assist you in actively engaging in your own self-care? If you find meditation challenging, visit this page often to help you hone your skills. Click on the link provided with each picture to learn more about the content described within the shared story.