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As Your Visual Healing Artist

PHYLLISHUBBARD.COM creates healing art that promotes mental wellness and empowers us to actively engage in self-care. 

A confident Black woman fused with the face of Sekhmet the Warrior Goddess and Goddess Of Healing

  ☥  Visual demonstrations of self-care

  ☥  Customized wellness graphics ☥ videos

  ☥  Customized video courses

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Healing Begins When We Can See Ourselves As

Beautiful ☥ Powerful ☥ Multidimensional ☥ Whole ☥ Healthy 

A Black man looking at the world with love

Visual Healing Art that teaches, heals and empowers us to actively engage in self-care. 

We cannot wait for others to validate our worth as human beings. We must begin the healing journey of loving and accepting ourselves. Seeing ourselves accurately represented is a vital part of our healing process. Many of us are so overwhelmed with the pain inflicted on our communities, that the idea of caring for ourselves induces unhealthy feelings of guilt. We have to be strong and anchored in the truest part of ourselves in order to lift up others. In order to give to others, we must first have something to give, and we must give it from a place of completion, not exhaustion. We too often believe that we must carry a very heavy weight which causes us to neglect self-care and miss solutions-based strategies. Surrounding ourselves with healthy representations of who we are helps us to heal and reverse the effects of thousands of years of racism and oppression. PHYLLISHUBBARD.COM creates healing art that teaches, heals and empowers us to actively engage in self-care. 

☥  Visual demonstrations of self-care

☥  Customized wellness graphics ☥ videos

☥  Customized video courses that transform leadership potential from the inside out

A collage of multicultural leaders

Customized video courses that transform leadership potential from the inside out

Sacred Geometry

The Visual Healing or "Smart Art" on PHYLLISHUBBARD.COM features Sacred Geometry, mathematical patterns that are in alignment with the fundamental designs of the universe. Sacred Geometry calms the mind ☥ cultivates mental acuity ☥ higher intelligence ☥ consciousness ☥ problem solving skills. Hire PHYLLISHUBBARD.COM to create customized art to help you heal ☥ achieve higher levels of consciousness.

A colorful geometric two dimensional torus with a collage of multicultural people who are engaging in healing practices

Cultivate mental acuity ☥ higher intelligence ☥ problem solving skills

As Your Root Cause Analyst

Current endeavors to dismantle racism, oppression, disenfranchisement and heal our communities do not address or provide strategies to reverse its impact on our mind, body and emotions. We must recognize how deeply this trauma is embedded within our psyche which subconsciously sabotages our personal and professional behaviors because our unresolved trauma causes a cyclical pattern that focuses actions on band-aiding the symptoms of the challenges that we face instead of removing the root cause.

☥  Root Cause Analysis Leadership Training

☥  Quarterly Solutions Based Strategy Sessions

☥  Development and customization of visually engaging

    multimedia and print materials focused on root cause

    identification and removal

Root Cause Analysis Infographic

Every challenge that we face in our community has repeated and will continue to repeat itself until we focus our efforts on identifying and removing the root causes. It is time for us to transform our business ☥ social strategies. Root Cause Analysis is a discovery process that reveals solutions that were in our blind spots.

What Is Root Cause Analysis?

Root Cause Analysis is a solutions based approach to problem solving that uses a wide array of tools and strategies to help individuals and organizations identify and remove the origin of a problem. The origin of a problem is like engine fuel. Without fuel, the engine cannot run. The root cause of a problem is the reason for its existence. Once the root cause is removed, the problem no longer exists. When we approach problems by focusing on the solution, we strengthen the bond and communication between our body  mind, improve our ability to solve novel problems in the future and cultivate courage, confidence and trust in ourselves. 

Root Cause Analysis helps us to focus on the solution instead of placing a band-aid on the problem. Band-aids are useful for acute situations. For example, if we have a minor cut on our hand, we’ll need to disinfect the wound and apply a band-aid to keep it clean while the wound closes. However, if we leave the band-aid on for too long, the wound will get infected, and the problem will become worse than the original injury. The band-aid is only a temporary solution designed to manage/suppress symptoms. In order to solve the problem, we must identify and remove its root cause.


If you are interested in hiring PHYLLISHUBBARD.COM for Root Cause Analysis Leadership Training, solutions-based strategy sessions or for the development and customization of visually engaging multimedia and print materials focused on root cause identification and removal, please use the form below to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you. 

Root Cause Analysis Solves Problems

Hire PHYLLISHUBBARD.COM As Your Visual Healing Artist ☥ Root Cause Analyst


Please state whether you're interested in a Root Cause Analysis ☥ Visual Artist Consultancy and the timeframe 

☥ deadlines for your project. Online health ☥ leadership consultations ☥ coaching is also available. I look forward to hearing from you. 

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Hire PHYLLISHUBBARD.COM As Your Root Cause Analyst flyer
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